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    Report finds Harper Adams among UK's most popular universities for students aged 50 and over

    Posted 24 March 2023

     “It’s reassuring to see this kind of research providing evidence that, as a specialist institution, we are still reaching learners of all ages and providing the important service we have always done.”

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    A report has found Harper Adams University is one of the most popular universities for students aged 50 and over in the UK.

    A Freedom of Information request was submitted to 134 UK universities asking about the number of students aged 50 or older studying at each – with Harper Adams coming third in the country in the resulting figures.

    The results – for the current 2022-23 academic year – showed that 7.2 per cent of Harper Adams University’s current students are aged 50 or older.

    Alongside its undergraduate,  postgraduate, apprenticeships and research courses, the University also runs a variety of courses and programmes aimed at Continuing Professional Development across the agri-food and rural business sectors. Its School of Sustainable Food and Farming has also made a commitment to upskill the current workforce across these sectors, using education and sharing insights with farmers and food producers through both virtual and in-person learning.

    The figures have been welcomed by Head of Student Recruitment, Carl Griffiths, as an important indicator that the University is continuing to reach learners of all ages.

    He said: “This research, placing Harper Adams as the third most popular destination for mature students – and particularly for those over 50 - is an important indicator of the kinds of courses that we offer and the work that we do, highlighting the enduring relevance of the work and education that we offer for students from all backgrounds.

    “The Government have recently announced the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement, marking an important signal change that education, at all levels, is for everyone – and here at Harper Adams, we are big believers in the importance of education, whatever age our students are.

    “We have recently been reviewing our range of courses, and the manner in which we provide them – modules, short courses, diplomas and degrees.

    “This work – alongside the work we continually do to keep our courses up to date with the latest industry developments – seeks to ensure that each course meets the needs of those who want to enter higher education and make a difference within their specialist sectors and industries, or indeed those just want to learn more about the importance of food, farming, animal science, engineering and more for the future of our planet.

     “It’s reassuring to see this kind of research providing evidence that, as a specialist institution, we are still reaching learners of all ages and providing the important service we have always done.”

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