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Dr Iona Huang in the Department of Land, Farm and agribusiness Management at Harper Adams University is leading the work on a systematic map of food waste management in the food retail sector. Team members include Dr Katy James, Dr Louise Manning, Vasileios Grigoriadis and Professor Shane Ward. The systematic map forms part of the 3-year €8m Horizon 2020 AgroCycle project addressing the recycling and valorisation of waste from the agri-food sector, led by the University College Dublin with a consortium of 26 partners.
Food waste is seen as an increasingly important issue with direct links to food security and resource management, as well as having environmental, economic and social impacts. The EU and Member States are committed to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in September 2015, including a target to halve per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level by 2030, and reduce food losses along the food production and supply chains. Retailers have a key role to play in reducing food waste in their own operations and in supporting suppliers’ waste reduction initiatives and customers to reduce waste at home.
This systematic map will gather evidence to better understand what strategies are used in the retail food sector for managing food waste and where the knowledge gaps are. The project will investigate strategies at the global scale as well as what is being done by food retailers operating in the UK.
Click here for more information about the AgroCycle Project.
European Commission and the Peoples’ Republic of China
University College Dublin
Harper Adams University & 24 other partners
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