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This page aims to point you in the right direction for the information you need to be successful in your studies.
Whether you want to find a book, an electronic journal article or other electronic information you can start your search in the same place, the simple search box called HOLLY (Harper Online Library) on the library home page
If you want to know more about using journal articles in your work a good place to start is our Introducing Journals Guide
We keep several trade journals in the library, which you will not find electronically. You may want to spend a few minutes browsing through them to keep up to date with the industry.
The Online Farm Data site (formerly known as the Virtual Farm) provides information such as Harper farm maps and details about specific fields. This information is provided by the University Farm, the Animals Group and the Crop & Environment Research Centre (CERC).
Other resources that you may find helpful; you can find these in our alphabetical list of databases.
AHDB - Beef, lamb and pork information
AHDB - Cereals and oilseeds information useful for crop management , recommended varieties and research.
Natural England - environmental information for farmers and land managers.
There are lots of ways to get help with using the Library
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