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    The Library

    Subject Guide - Engineering

    This page aims to point you in the right direction for the information you need to be successful in your studies.

    Finding books and journal articles

    Whether you want to find a book, an electronic journal article or other electronic information you can start your search in the same place, the simple search box called HOLLY  (Harper Online Library) on the library home page.

    If you want to know more about using journal articles in your work a good place to start is our Introducing Journals Guide

    Other resources which may help you

    List of Silsoe engineering reports held in the Library. Please contact the Welcome Desk if you want to use one of these. 

    You can find the following in our alphabetical list of databases:

    • ASABE Technical Library - American Society of Agricultrural and Biological Engineers. Full-text journal articles, standards, conference procedings and e-books. Subjects covered include agricultural engineering, buildings, off-road vehicles and soils.
    • BSI Online - a wide range of full text British Standards online. Guide to logging in and using BSI Online .    From the 1st June 2021 BSI’s documents can only be opened with the FileOpen plug-in installed on your device. IT Services at Harper Adams have created a FileOpen package that allows students and staff to download FileOpen via the 'software centre'

    Useful engineering websites 

    Materials Information Datasheets/Properties

    • aalco datasheets
    • Doitcoms - for information on microstructures, metal crystallography and material science.
    • MatMatch - commercial matching of various alloys supplied by a variety of suppliers.
    • MatWeb
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