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Farmers Weekly Agricultural Student of the Year, Grace Welling.
One hour countdown to the beginning of the @FW_Awards @FarmersWeekly ?? We're tuning in to cheer on our very own @GraceWelling1 who is up for Agricultural Student of the Year! Good luck Grace! Watch live here: https://t.co/RIch7PwSIo pic.twitter.com/monwoiKilY
— Germinal UK Agriculture (@GerminalUKAgri) February 7, 2021
RABDF Farm Health Management Award winner, Catriona Marshall.
Congratulations to #HarperScholar Catriona Marshall on her Royal Association of Dairy Farmers Award. More good news for Catriona, who was recently chosen by @getjackfarming to be the Green Lanes Farming Scholar 20/21, and will be joining them on a work placement later this year https://t.co/TvTgtGC3lC
— Harper Adams Development Trust (@HarperAdamsDT) January 25, 2021
Dairy Student of the Year, Katie Ackland.
Katie Ackland has been announced as the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers' Dairy Student of the Year. Read more about the award and Katie's win here: https://t.co/exfVvo8q8G ??????@theRABDF #dairy #award #education #farming pic.twitter.com/6WIEI0Uvwd
— Dairy Industries International (@dairyindustries) January 21, 2021
Agribusiness Leader of Tomorrow, Lucy Thompson.
Meet Lucy, winner of the Agribusiness Leader of Tomorrow Award for her success on the Agri-Business degree route. Read about her educational journey and how her success now sees her working for Case IH as a Digital Marketing Specialist: https://t.co/b9dVrWEVuf #degreesthatmatter pic.twitter.com/sTesW3gGYK
— Harper Adams University (@HarperAdamsUni) January 25, 2021
KRUUSE Veterinary Nurse of the Year, Chloe Darby
Meet Chloe, the KRUUSE Veterinary Nurse of The Year 2020. Read about her success in today's blog: https://t.co/CYnv2htTFk #degreesthatmatter pic.twitter.com/ATvLoDfbcG
— Harper Adams University (@HarperAdamsUni) January 8, 2021
UKAT Senior Advisor Award, Nicky Hunter.
— Harper Adams University (@HarperAdamsUni) December 4, 2020
Nicky Hunter, Senior Lecturer at Harper Adams, has been presented with a Recognised Senior Advisor Award from the United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring Association (UKAT). Read more: https://t.co/KF8yENOAew#degreesthatmatter #ukat #staffsuccess pic.twitter.com/GbAcSi5aYd
British Farming Awards Agricultural Student of the Year, Megan Edwards.
Big congratulations to Avara colleague Megan Edwards who was recently named Agricultural Student of the Year 2020 at the British Farming Awards! https://t.co/76H01Tg0iH pic.twitter.com/Y11NDG4HnO
— AvaraFoods (@AvaraFoods) November 25, 2020
Times Higher Education Award finalist, Kreseda Smith.
Congrats to @FarmCrimePhD for being shortlisted in this year's #THEAwards! Dr Kreseda Smith's nomination for Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community comes as a result of her research into rural crime and its impact on local residents. We wish Kreseda luck for the final.
— Harper Adams University (@HarperAdamsUni) September 10, 2020
New Professor of Learning & Teaching, Lydia Arnold
As a footnote to this crazy time, pleased to share I've been made Professor @HarperAdamsUni-any celebration rightly deferred until calmer times. Thanks to so many for support in this journey esp. @JulieH_Psyc @kay_sambell @ProfSallyBrown @instepM LinNorton &all HarperColleagues
— Lydia Arnold (@LydiaJArnold) March 20, 2020
President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Mandisa Greene
We now move on to the investment of Dr Mandisa Greene as RCVS President with Niall 'passing on' his home-made Presidential Chain of Office to Mandisa, who, as the first black President of the College, he praises as a fantastic role-model #RoyalCollegeDay2020 pic.twitter.com/k98BsPiBUz
— Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (@theRCVS) July 10, 2020
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