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    Staff Directory

    Dr Richard Byrne

    Dip. H.E., BSc.,MSc.,PhD.,FHEA, CGEOG, NSch. VR.

    Senior Lecturer - Land Management and Food Security

    Richard has over 25 years of Pracademic (Practical Academic) experience in land management and food security. He has worked in a variety of challenging environments from Afghanistan and Angola to Nigeria and Zambia. In the last 15 years, he has been very much involved in advancing the field of Stabilisation Agriculture, and developing integrated livelihood solutions in countries affected by or emerging from conflict to promote food security and economic growth. As a result of this work, he has increasingly been involved in projects relating to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT), particularly in agricultural and rural settings. He is currently working in the Human Security space on climate change impacts on food security and its relationship to conflict and human exploitation. 

    Richard's teaching is focused on agricultural policy,  global food commodities trade, and their relationship to geopolitics and climate change. He has a particular interest in agricultural policy and climate adaptation and the Black Sea grain trade. In addition to teaching and research, he currently advises a number of Government departments, commercial organisations, and NGOs on the interface of food security, climate change, and conflict. 




    Professional Memberships

    Chartered Geographer of the Royal Geographical Society

    Nuffield Farming Scholar

    International Society for the Study of Rural Crime 

    Member of the International Association of Military Geoscientists  

    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


    Academic Department: Food, Land and Agribusiness Management

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815415

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783

    Office: F58 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building


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    GuildHE Research Repositories is a joint repository for research outputs designed to capture the work of individuals and institutions who are Members of GuildHE.

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    Harper Adams University supports Food and Farming Futures, the online land-based library.

    Other publications

    Additional Information

    Panel expert (Agriculture and Food) - Global Initiative against Transitional Organised Crime, GITOC, Geneva (2015-Present)

    Member of Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research, Royal United Service Institute (RUSI) 2017-Present

    Member of UNFAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (2017-present)

    Panel member - Food Standards Agency - Emerging Risks Forum (2012-2016)



    You can contact Dr Richard Byrne if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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