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    Staff Directory

    Dr Kreseda Smith

    BSc(Hons), PhD, FRGS, FHEA

    Research Office Coordinator, Senior Lecturer in Rural Criminology and Social Science

    Photograph of Kreseda

    Research Interests

    • Rural Crime
    • Agricultural Crime
    • Farmer mental health
    • On-farm security measures
    • Farmer decision-making
    • Rural crime policy across the UK
    • Slavery and Human Trafficking in Agricultural Systems
    • Psychological impact of agricultural crime and the traditional rural masculine
    • Cultural Property and Heritage Crime in the rural space


    • Land Research and Information Skills - Social science research methods for Land & Property Management courses. Covering all aspects of research design in preparation for final year dissertations.
    • International Organised Criminality across a range of modules
    • Rural crime sessions for various modules.
    • Advanced Social Science Research Methods for Postgraduate Researchers

    Professional Memberships

    Academic Department: Harper Adams Business School

    Department: Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor

    Research: Rural Resilience Research Group (3RG)

    Research: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815113

    X (Twitter): @FarmCrimePhD

    Office: M44 Main Building

    Research profile: ORCID


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    Other publications

    Additional Information
    • PhD explored the crime prevention decision-making behaviour of farmers in England and Wales, and how behavioural science can influence appropriate and effective decisions to better protect farmers
    • Currently researching the psychological impact of agricultural crime and the second/third order impacts this leads to
    • Exploring various research issues within the rural crime, behavioural science, human trafficking arenas
    • Currently supervising four PhD students researching police training and community confidence in the rural space, ICT extension among farmers in South Africa, human trafficking in Nigeria, and modern slavery within the European agri-horticultural supply chain.



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