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Posted 16 November 2012
Harper Adams University College is preparing to host the inaugural lecture of its new Professor of Agricultural Engineering, Simon Blackmore.
Professor Blackmore is head of both the Engineering Department at Harper Adams and the National Centre for Precision Farming. See his academic profile here.
A leading academic in the area of agricultural engineering, Professor Blackmore has a particular interest in the areas of precision farming and the application of robotic technologies to agriculture.
Professor Blackmore will present his inaugural lecture, entitled “Precision Farming – Agricultural Engineering for the 21st Century”, at the Royal Academy of Engineering, London, on Tuesday, November 27.
The lecture will focus on the issues facing agricultural engineering in the 21st Century and the exciting possibilities offered by precision farming techniques, robotics and smart machines. There will be opportunities for networking before and after the lecture.
This event follows the first NCPF seminar, held at Harper Adams on October 29 and attended, in part, by HRH The Princess Royal. Presentations at that event included:
•The Legacy View of Precision Farming, by Professor Richard Godwin, Harper Adams
•Education, Training and Research for Precision Farming, by Dr Mark Rutter, Harper Adams
•The Use of Network Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for Precision Farming, by Dr Xiaolin Meng, Director of the Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre, Nottingham
•Supporting Innovation in UK Agriculture - the role of Technology Strategy Board, by Calum Murray, Technology Strategy Board
The National Centre for Precision Farming was launched in February 2012 at the House of Commons and aims to facilitate the knowledge exchange required to bring “smart” agricultural machinery into wider and more productive use in UK, and global, farming. The NCPF will continue to organise lectures, seminars, technical days and other knowledge transfer events.
A new engineering centre at Harper Adams, scheduled to be in use by October 2013, will be the physical home of the NCPF, but it is very much a national network, with all potential stakeholders invited to become involved.
Anyone wishing to attend the inaugural lecture, in London on the evening of November 27, should contact Nick Deane at ndeane@harper-adams.ac.uk or telephone 01952 815012.
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