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    Call for sheep farmers to share their experiences of mastitis

    Posted 15 February 2021

    "I hope to improve the productivity and profitability of the flocks I work with in the future by widening my knowledge of mastitis.” 

    Young man wearing dark cap and black gilet and jeans stands next to sheep pen in field

    Harry Priestley

    A Harper Adams student is calling for sheep farmers to share their experiences of  disease spread, resistance and control as he seeks to gain a better understanding of mastitis 


    Harry Priestley, 21, is undertaking a professional project on sheep mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland. He is seeking to understand ways of prevention, controlling the spread of the disease as well as looking at antibiotic resistance that could affect treatment. 


    “I have worked with sheep flocks that have a number of cases of mastitis which affect productivity and profitability,” Harry explained. “Therefore, I hope to improve the productivity and profitability of the flocks I work with in the future by widening my knowledge of mastitis.” 


    While Harry is familiar with the condition through his own farm work, he is seeking to gain insight from other farmers working with sheep. Harry has published a questionnaire and is inviting any participants with the relevant experience to get in touch


    Harry chose to undertake his studies as a pathway to explore his passion for the agricultural industry. “I want to learn more to enable me to succeed in the future as I do not come from a large family farm. We have a small farm at home which I am hoping to expand with my passion for sheep, especially Texels, and my love of modern farm machinery,” said Harry, from Nottinghamshire.

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