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    The Development Trust

    Rabobank Genus opportunity at tomorrow's Scholarship Fair

    23 October 2019

    Rabobank’s Sustainability & Communications Manager Rishi Sethi, joined Genus representatives Stephanie Doherty and Sarah-Jane Barton at Harper Adams recently to talk to current year two students about the Rabobank Scholarship in association with Genus ABS.

    Students in their second year at Harper Adams University are being given an incredible opportunity to apply for the Rabobank Scholarship – the highest value award offered by the University’s Development Trust.  The successful recipient will receive funding provided by Rabobank valued at £18,000 over two academic years and a one year paid work placement with Genus. 

    Anyone interested in applying and getting more information on the placement job role has a second chance to talk to Genus’ Cornerstone Manager Sarah-Jane Barton at the Scholarship Fair on Thursday 24 October from 11am to 2pm in Queen Mother Hall.



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