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    The Development Trust

    July meeting of the Development Trust Board of Trustees

    21 July 2017

    Last week we held the quarterly meeting of the Development Trust Board of Trustees who support the University in obtaining funding for both scholarships and the University.

    During the meeting we said goodbye to Paul Singleton, who has stepped down after eight years serving on the Board.  We had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs Elfrida Hamilton-Russell to her first meeting as a Trustee.

    We would like to express our sincere thanks to Paul for his dedication and commitment to the Trust over the last eight years.

    Pictured above (L to R): Simon Jones, Clarke Willis MBE, Clive Gurney, Elfrida Hamilton-Russell, Joe Lawson, Anthony Burgess MBE, David Llewellyn, Paul Singleton

    Board of trustees Board of trustees



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