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    The Development Trust

    It's a family affair for new DT Trustee Peter Ward!

    13 October 2017

    The Development Trust is delighted to welcome Peter Ward to the Board of Trustees. One of three generations of his family to attend Harper Adams, Peter farmed 400 acres in Shropshire for over 30 years. His father, Roland, and his son Rob studied here. Peter’s grandfather, Thomas Charles ‘TC’ Ward was Chairman of Governors from 1950 to 1957, with Ward Hall named in his honour.

    Peter supplied quality packed produce to supermarkets, predominantly M&S. He then established a farm shop and garden centre. A Liveryman with the Worshipful Company of Farmers, Peter holds the Freedom of the City of London. He is a former Chairman of Shropshire NFU and also a former holder of the Fruit Grower of the Year title.



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