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    Harper Adams remain BUCS National Shooting Champions

    Posted 5 March 2012

    Photography courtesy of first year agriculture student, Georgina Edwards

    The team from Harper Adams University College held on to the national title for a second year at the 2012 BUCS Clay Pigeon Shooting Championships on Wednesday. 

    Approximately 30 Harper Adams students travelled the short distance to the West Midlands Shooting ground, in Hodnet, to compete in the British Universities and College Sport competition against 24 other universities. 

    Both the ladies’ and the men’s teams shot extremely well. Each team member attempted to hit 100 various sporting clays over 10 stands. Those with the highest scores proceeded to compete in the final, with both Harper Adams teams claiming victory.

    “BUCS is always our biggest and most important competition of the year, with nearly 340 people from 25 universities and colleges shooting the layout on the day. This year again we shot well both individually and as a team and are very pleased to be crowned national champions again for the second year running,” said Shooting Club Chairman Joe Pask. 

    For the Ladies’ team, Zara Whitfield took first place in the completion with a score of 69/100.

    The men’s competition saw Harper Adams team member Stuart Hart take third place with a score of 88/100.

    The shooting team, who have had an excellent season so far, have only two more competitions this year, which are being hosted by Aberystwyth and Oxford Brooks.


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