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Posted 30 May 2019
The total value of scholarships awarded to Harper Adams University students continues to rise
The total value of scholarships awarded to Harper Adams University students continues to rise, with £452,000 being shared between 132 students in the academic year 2018/19.
These scholarships took a variety of forms from help with tuition fees, to scholarships accompanying paid work placements, support of final year projects, and in some instances, employment upon graduating.
The students, their sponsors, trustees and staff, celebrated at the annual Scholarship Presentation. Each student was congratulated by a sponsor representative during the formal presentation before enjoying time networking with their supporters and other attendees at the event.
In addition to the well-established scholarship programmes, there were a number of new awards this year with three Harper Adams Alumni, who have gone on to establish their own businesses, offering scholarships this year.
Jack Stilwell, 27, who graduated from Harper Adams University in 2015 with an Honours degree in Rural Property Management, established Green Lanes Farming, a progressive beef company rearing around 5,000 calves every year. He awarded Guillaume Franklin with Green Lanes Farming’s first scholarship, to include a one year paid work placement.
Jack said “Whilst wanting to give something back to the industry and help people reach their full potential, I am also looking to bring the best young brains into our organisation to grow and develop with us."
Pathway Farming, founded by Harper Adams alumni Michelle Waterman and Jonty Hay, is a new company supplying beef to British retailers via an integrated supply chain. Second year Bioveterinary Science BSc Hons student Madeleine Pearson, is the recipient of the first Pathway Farming scholarship, which also includes a one year paid work placement.
Michelle Waterman said: “As ex Harper students ourselves, we are keen to support and nurture talented students who might want to join our business in the future. We see industrial placements and this scholarship as a great way of sharing experience, and brining new talent into the company.”
Harper Adams Alumnus Fred Hammond’s Brewer’s Goose scholarship was awarded to Georgina Gater-Moore, 22, a fourth year BSc Hons Agriculture student. She told us: “I applied for the Brewer’s Goose Scholarship as I felt it was aimed directly at students like me who are hoping to develop a business after finishing at Harper Adams. I also really appreciated the concept that Fred Hammond was using proceeds from his new business to support a like-minded and aspiring student.”
Safety Revolution Ltd, a company that specialises in delivering safety management and human resources systems to farms and estates across the UK, awarded scholarships with placements to two second year Harper Adams University students. Agriculture with Farm Business Management student Megan Herriot and Agri-business student Emily Jones are both looking forward to joining the Safety Revolution team on one year work placements commencing this summer.
The first GSC Grays scholarship was awarded to second year Rural Enterprise and Land Management student Lucy Bland, who will take up a one year paid work placement with this independent firm of chartered surveyors, land and estate agents.
Hollie Hunter, a second year BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Crop Management student is the recipient of the first Corteva Agriscience scholarship that includes a placement. She was presented with a certificate at the presentation by Harper alumnus Scott Hayles, now in the role of Area Manager, East Anglia with Corteva, the agricultural division of DowDuPont.
The Mercer Charitable Foundation awarded two Mercer Competitive Scholarships to Sarah-Jane Barton and Dearbhla Connell, with Loretta Holder receiving the Mercer Open Scholarship.
Sally Stockings of Stockcroft Ltd and sister company Fawley Farms Ltd, awarded Stockcroft Final Year Scholarships to Jonathan Boland, Alexandra Strain, Heather Vivash and Alex Williams.
Harper Adams University and its Development Trust would like to thank the individuals and organisations for their generous support of our students in making all of the following awards:
The ABN Poultry Scholarship
David Tunks, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The Agrii Scholarship
Poppy Bunting, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The Alamo Group Scholarships
William Flittner, BEng/BEng Hons Agricultural Engineering - McConnel
Mark Sherry, BSc/BSc Hons Product Support Engineering - Bomford Turner
Alexander Williams, MEng Agricultural Engineering - Spearhead
The Barham Benevolent Foundation Scholarship
Emma Hutcheon, PhD studentship
The Ros Barsley Scholarship
Elin Cunningham, BSc/BSc Hons Bioveterinary Science
The Brewer’s Goose Scholarship
Georgina Gater-Moore, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The Douglas Bomford Trust Scholarship
Thomas Mellor, BEng/BEng Hons Agricultural Engineering
Alan Mobbs, MEng Agricultural Engineering
John Nixon, MEng Agricultural Engineering
Samuel Scales, BEng/BEng Hons Automotive Engineering (Off-Highway)
Matthew Torok, MEng Automotive Engineering (Off-Highway)
The Butchers’ and Drovers’ Charitable Trust Undergraduate Bursary
Kate Leeming, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Harriet Noble, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
The British Poultry Council Scholarships supported by
Avara Foods
Mark Mathias, FdSc Agriculture
Adam Reader, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Becky Websdale, MEng Mechanical Engineering
Lauren Bell, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Science
Samantha Green, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Health and Welfare
Dominic Lucas, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Sophie Thornton, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Marketing
Emma Morgan, BSc/BSc Hons Food Nutrition and Well-being
Emily Pain, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
Rachel Haynes, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Nancy-May Thorne, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Philip Gillespie, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Gressingham Foods
Shannon McNiece, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Moy Park
Connie Reeves, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Production Science
Ifan Huws, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
The CLAAS Scholarship
William Flittner, BEng/BEng Hons Agricultural Engineering
Lewis Hamilton, MEng Agricultural Engineering
The Corteva Scholarship
Hollie Hunter, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The Country Land and Business Association Charitable Trust Scholarship
Alice Grimes, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
Charlotte Scott, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
Harry Storey, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
The Dalehead Foods Scholarship
Kate Dewally, MSci Bioveterinary Science
Samantha Allen, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The Harper Adams Development Trust Discretionary Award
Eugenie Wilcocks, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
The ForFarmers Ruminant Scholarship
Abby Puddefoot, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
The Green Lanes Farming Scholarship
Guillaume Franklin, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The GSC Grays Scholarship
Lucy Bland, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
The Harper Adams Club Scholarships
Amy Carter, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing
Ashleigh Burkitt, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing and Practice Management
Jonathan Glen, MEng Agricultural Engineering
Lorna Johnson, MSc Conservation and Forest Protection
Jay Williams, MSc Forestry Management
Annabell Oakes, BSc/BSc Hons Food and Consumer Studies
The John Hepworth Scholarships
Gethin Evans, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
George Layton, FdSc Countryside Management
The Clyde Higgs Scholarships
(Funded by the Elizabeth Creak Charitable Trust)
The Clyde Higgs MSc Scholarship
Robyn Nicolay, MSc Agroecology
Adam Smyth, MSc Ruminant Nutrition
The Clyde Higgs Undergraduate Scholarship
Sarah-Jane Barton, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Bethany Gardner, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Catherine Herniman, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Nicola Matthews, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
Marie Powell, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
Maximillian Randall, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Aimee Smith, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The Harper Adams University Hospitality Scholarship
Madeleine Evans, FdSc Agri-Food Marketing with Business Studies
Amy Morgan, BSc/BSc Hons Food Technology with Nutrition
The John Innes Foundation Scholarship
Rory Lomas, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The Jerman Scholarship
Thomas Austin, FdSc Agriculture with Mechanisation
Sally Crawford, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Rosie Dymond, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
Taryn Gronbeck, BSc/BSc Hons Bioveterinary Science
Hugh Guinan, BSc Agriculture with Crop Management
Lewys Jones, FdSc Agriculture with Mechanisation
Kate Maddy, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Aimee Smith, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Natalie Stanley, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
Megan Watkins, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-Business
The Kildare Charitable Trust Scholarship
Alexander Baylis, FdSc Agriculture
Bryony Ennis, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Sophie Horton-Smith, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing and Practice Management
James Jordan, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Natasha Pugh, BSc/BSc (Hons) Agri-Business
Henry Thorpe, BSc Hons Agricultural Engineering
Benjamin Williams, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Mechanisation
The KWS Scholarship
James Armstrong, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
Danny Richardson, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The Duchy of Lancaster Scholarship
Dearbhla Connell, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
The Duchy of Lancaster Rural Land Management Scholarship
Grace Gardiner, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
The Langford Scholarship
Daniel Hawes, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The David Lawson Scholarship
Henry Thorpe, BSc/BSc Hons Agricultural Engineering
Lord Leverhulme’s Charitable Trust Scholarship
Alice Grimes, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
Ross Webster, BSc/BSc (Hons) Agri-Business
The Lewis Scholarship
Thomas Kirby, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The John Longwill Agricultural Trust Scholarship
Annabel Beaumont, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-Business
Hannah Bedford, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Health and Welfare
India Bosden, BSc/BSc Hons Food Nutrition and Well Being
Rosie Dymond, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
Christina Tompkin, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing with Small Animal Rehabilitation
Lauren Wells, BSc/BSc Hons Business Management with Marketing
The Richard Matson Scholarship
Ashleigh Burkitt, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing and Practice Management
Rosie Dymond, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
Kim Selly, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing with Small Animal Rehabilitation
Matilda Wild, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
The Mays-Smith Scholarship
Kate Westall, BSc/BSc Hons Food Nutrition and Well-being
The Mercer Charitable Foundation Scholarships, supported by Mercer Farming
The Mercer Competitive Scholarship
Sarah-Jane Barton, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Dearbhla Connell, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
The Mercer Open Scholarship
Loretta Holder, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Health and Welfare
The Millichope Foundation Scholarship
Sarah Cunningham, BSc/BSc Hons Wildlife Conservation and Environmental Management
Paige Fellows, BSc/BSc Hons Wildlife Conservation and Environmental Management
The Newport & District Agricultural Society Scholarship
Dominique Wilcox, FdSc Agri-Business
The Organic Farmers & Growers Scholarship in memory of Bill Allen
Jamie Stevenson, MSc Agroecology
The Pathway Farming Scholarship
Maddie Pearson, BSc/BSc Honours Bioveterinary Science
The Pig Industry Scholarships sponsored by
AHDB Pork and supported by
Dearbhla Connell, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Stacey McIlmoyle, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Bethany Gardner, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Devenish Nutrition
Oliver Ashton, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Anita Woolf, BEng/BEng Hons Mechanical Engineering
Emily Morgan, BSc/BSc Hons Bioveterinary Science
Sian Southwell, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Rattlerow Farms
Erin Fowler, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
The Rabobank Scholarship in association with Genus ABS
Sally Tyler, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
The Rabobank Scholarship in association with Marks & Spencer
Maximillian Randall, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
The Safety Revolution Scholarship
Megan Herriot, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
Emily Jones, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-Business
The Paul Singleton Scholarship
Emma Jones, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society Scholarship
Ifan Huws, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Farm Business Management
Sarah-Louise Jolliffe, FdSc Agri-Business
Sally Leese, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Charlotte Perry, FdSc Agriculture
Maximillian Randall, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Emily Towlson, FdSc Agriculture
Ben Woods, BSc/BSc (Hons) Agri-Business
The Stockcroft Final Year Scholarship
Jonathan Boland, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Marketing
Alexandra Strain, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Science
Heather Vivash, BSc/BSc Hons Animal Science
Alex Williams, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Mechanisation
The Studley College Trust Scholarship
Thomas Austin, FdSc Agriculture with Mechanisation
Madeleine Evans, FdSc Agri-Food Marketing with Business Studies
Beth Shapcott, BSc/BSc Hons Food Technology with Nutrition
Megan Watkins, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-Business
The Syngenta Scholarship
Emma Jones, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
The Tulip Scholarship
Claudia Lumbers, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
The Velcourt Scholarship
Fred Sorby, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
Christopher Lane, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Rodney Phair, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
The Jill Willows Scholarship
Rosie Dymond, BSc/BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy
Clarrie Hocknell, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies
Emily Jones, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-Business
Sam King, BSc/BSc Hons Countryside and Environmental Management
Chris Lane, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture
Kate Tomlinson, BSc/BSc Hons Rural Enterprise and Land Management
The Paul Wilson Scholarship
Hugh Guinan, BSc Agriculture with Crop Management
The Worshipful Company of Poulters’ Scholarship
Alexandra Hall, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
The Wilson Wraight Scholarship
Marianne Willemsen, BSc/BSc Hons Agri-Business
Emma Benson, BSc/BSc (Hons) Agri-Business
Scholarships exclusive to students from the Island of Ireland
Alltech Ireland
Colin Henry, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Crop Management
Devenish Nutrition
Rodney Phair, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
Jonathan Boland, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Marketing
Stephanie Gamble, BSc/BSc Hons Bioveterinary Science
Oxford Farming Conference Award
Laura Stewart, BSc/BSc Hons Food Technology with Nutrition
Skea Eggs
Sarah Hill, BSc/BSc Hons Food Nutrition and Well-being
The Vaughan Trust
Rodney Phair, BSc/BSc Hons Agriculture with Animal Science
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